If I’ve learnt one thing.

Director Article on Queen of ExtremeHaving established a reputation for quality, in-house film productions for businesses, Rissy Mitchell, Founder of film production firm ‘Queen of Extreme’, realised she wanted to do more.

“More firms want to use film content on their web sites. With internet connections speeding up, this is getting more feasible.”

But a growing market has also attracted competition. “I have to compete with larger firms and I knew the only way I would be able to do that was to invest more energy into my brand. The brand is what customers buy into and for a creative business it’s essential it sets the right tone.”

Mitchell spent almost a year redeveloping her brand and creating a new, more interactive website — her “shop window” to show off what the company is able to offer clients.

“I don’t have a corporate background — I started as an athlete and then got into TV presenting — but I quickly got into presenting at corporate events and have worked with major brands.

This means that when I present to a new client I am able to offer the right mix of understanding and an outsider’s perspective. This helps me give them something that’s creative but also totally relevant to their environment.”

Having worked for cients in the luxury sector, Mitchell is now making a documentary about the redevelopment of the Hippodrome in London.

“It’s an amazing building with a fascinating history. it was originally a circus and put on shows with exotic animals like polar bears in an enormous water tank. Houdini was also challenged by the Mirror to escape from handcuffs they had specially made, which he did there. The story is developing as they strip back the building to expose more of its history. We’re there to record it.”

“Customers buy into a brand. It’s essential to set the right tone”

The year-long project has, says Mitchell, required her to think of new ways to fund projects. “I’m raising sponsorship to finance projects and working with luxury-goods firms has been another reason to invest in our own brand.”

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